Dr Don Hines is here working with our nurses and especially with Josue’ in Telemedicine.
I am feeling better over the last few days since removing so much pain medication.
Teams are working hard to get the new dorm prepared for visitors. The rains have been too often and too strong for our block layers but they have continued to be steady.
I began sharing about dating, love & responsibilities of having a boy or girl friend. They will sign a “dating” contract.

When we speak of “the heart” different things go through our minds. Some folks think of love. Since my father, mother and grandfather all died from heart attacks I think of my own heart. Not the blood-pumping natural heart but also the spiritual heart.
Heart disease does kill many people yearly. But millions have spiritual disease and there is even a scripture that says, “The heart is more deceitful and desperately sick”. Jeremiah 19:9
I want a healthy heart. Don’t you? Psalms 51:10 says, “Create in me Lord a clean heart, O God”. Honestly my heart is not as clean as it should be. My character falls short of what wants for me. I still sin much more than I should.
But allow me to remind you that God is not finished with us. God loves you and me and He is so merciful so no matter what sins we have committed God wants to clean us. Salvation brings a new heart but we struggle.
David murdered, lied,committed adultery and surely many other things but, in the end, after his repentance God called David “a man after my own heart”. So as we study the heart over the next few days be assured that God loves you and wants to cleanse your heart.