Six months ago one of the boys who had lived here was released from prison. He had attacked a boy here & when sent to another home he attacked a teenage boy there also. So to prison he went for 2 1/2 years. Since getting out he has struggled because getting a job is nearly impossible with a prison record.
What should I do? What can I do? What do you think I will do?
Vacation Bible school began with a bang. The children and teens love the Fayetteville group that is hosting this VBS.
My daughter & her family left this morning after 3 weeks at Casa.

Responsibility is such a dirty word for many people and especially for the youth of today. It appears that most people do not want to answer or be liable for their actions. The word responsibility is actually rooted from a French word and literally means “requiring an answer”. We must give an account to someone for our choices and decisions.
Responsibility means that I finish what I am asked to do and I do it as unto the Lord. No one else may even notice (such as the plumbing in the wall) but I do it regardless of whether anyone knows. It is God to Whom I am responsible. My decisions and choices indicate my relationship with Him.
Dottie works so hard in her garden. She works the ground and plants the seeds. The rewards of her labor are not immediate. She has to wait but in the meantime she pulls the weeds and adds the nutrients. The world we live in is the world of IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION. Waiting is out of the question to the average person.
We are in a marathon and not a sprint. The goal is not right in front of us. We stay faithful to run our race and we remain steadfast and responsible to fulfill our duty. The rewards will come when we have finished our race.