There were no blockades this morning so Dottie and I were able to get back home without much trouble. Steve O. came to get the back hoe we were holding for him.
Our boys, 98% of them at least, were cheering for Barcelona in the Champions League finals so the 3 – 1 victory brought many smiles.

In Zechariah 3:4 an angel tells Joshua “Take off the filthy clothes and I will put rich garments upon you”. That may be one of those greatest scriptures God ever wrote for us or spoke through a prophet. The truth is that it is not the filthiness of our sins but the greatness of the COVERING He has for us.
There is no sin too large that God will not forgive if we have a broken heart and a repentful spirit. Satan loves to make us think we have sinned so largely that we can never be forgiven. But he is a liar. God says He will wash us as white as snow. Of course, I must do my part. I met confess my sins honestly and accept His forgiveness.