5 Senses
One of the mega churches in Guatemala sent 3 bus loads of volunteers to have activities with the children.
One of the boys in Lee & Candy’s dorm has been diagnosed with epilepsy.
I was able to rest and read while Dottie shopped. Then Dottie crashed for hours.

There are 5 sensory areas: Touch, Taste, Sight, Hearing and Smell. It is through one of these five senses that any experience in our lives reaches our heart and mind. It is how we become alert or attentive to the circumstances around us.
Sensitivity for us as Christians use the 5 “senses” to measure the circumstances of others around us. It is what allows us to perceive the needs of others. It is what allows me to know if a person is happy or sad, in poverty or ill. It is what makes be “feel” what they are feeling.
If I close my natural senses to the needs of others or only concentrate on my own needs or the needs to the closest to me I will fail as a child of God.
God gives to us the ability to ‘sense’ if a person is discouraged, disappointed, struggling, reaching out and the like. It allows me to seek the “why” of their pain or worry or angry. God gave us the 5 senses so that we can always FEEL not only what is in our own lives but in the lives of others.