Marjorie returned to Casa so only Keyser & Luis are still hospitalized.
The 4 American teams at Casa this week or picking up where let week’s teams finished. They are spending time with staff and the children. Everyone is still in a stage of disbelief as well as heaviness. God has sent us good strong Christians to help us through something we have never experienced at Casa in these 27 years.
Some of the visitors went & bought gifts for 3 different dorms. Everyone is being so kind.

One question I am asked about what I teach daily on the radio, daily on my blog or actual sermons on Sundays is “Why do you teach what you teach?” For many years I have always given the exact same answer and it has not changed. I teach what I need. I know that I am so very lacking in so many areas.
I am not as kind patient, sensitive, loving, giving or as responsible as I should be. I am not as good a husband or a father or a co-worker as I should be.
Dottie complains as do others that I am not cry attentive. Attentiveness showing the worth of another person by giving undivided concentration to what that person has to say. It could mean “to listen closely” or “to condor seriously”.
In Deuteronomy 30:10 God says clearly “Give attention to my Word”. It was only a few weeks after my natural birth on July 11, 1943 that I am certain I began to recognize the voices of my mother and father. After being “born again” I suppose I should be recognizing the voice of the Lord soon after the event of my salvation.
If hearing God is not important than being attentive to the spiritual needs of others will be difficult and eventually impossible. We cannot see God with our natural eyes but we can HEAR His voice through the Word of God or through the Holy Spirit. It is in that hearing from what we CANNOT see tat should help to make us aware of the needs of others whom we CAN see.