Love has to be shown
Josue’ returned from Honduras.
Dwight & Betty had spoken with me as well as with Adam & Vilma about coming to live at Casa and caring for the little girls. They would have been so good for Casa. Pray with us that the will of God will be accomplished as we will need more house parents in the months to come.
One of the visitors proposed marriage to his girlfriend here this morning & she accepted. I am glad cause that could have been a rough flight back to the states had she said, “No”.

The love of Ruth for Naomi and the people of God has so much to teach us. We see the first two below.
First, we demonstrate love by sticking with others through tough times.
Second, you show love by adjusting to others.
Now we can look at #3 which is simply You show love by reaching beyond yourself and your own comfort zone. You cannot imagine how much in this precise moment I want to return to the USA and with Crossett, Ark or Lake Charles (maybe Lafayette), Louisiana. My heart aches to go “home”. I am so tired! Ruth says to Naomi “Where you die, I will die”. She is saying that she has chosen a life whereas she will continue to the very end of everything she has heard from God.
To deny ourselves is never easy. We pamper ourselves. Jesus says in Luke 14:33, “Any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.”
This command is to renounce. In fact, if you want to be a disciple of Jesus you must renounce all that you have. This is good old-fashioned self-denial — the stopping, quitting, halting of anything and everything that might impede our fellowship with God.