Luis G broke his wrist playing soccer.
There are 114 Americans here so we should be able to get a lot accomplished this week.

Today 3 different young men from visiting teams came at separate times to ask me about how to know what to do with their lives. What is God’s will for them was the root of their question. I want to make this as simple as possible because I am a simpleton.
First, Ask God what you can do for Him. Second, begin following the examples given to us in the Word of God. Imitate the men and women of God. Paul even said that we should follow him as he followed Christ. A few years ago the WWJD bracelets, etc were everywhere. So why not ask yourself what you’d Jesus do? He is the example of humility and love we should all want to emulate.
Third, Step out by taking one step in the direction you feel moved in by God. Many folks ask me about ministry to children so FIND A CHILD! Teach sunday school or VBS. Take an extended trip to an orphanage. Stay a month and not just a few days.
God builds bridges but never until we step out on the water. If you are not willing to be a risk taker than God has no reason to make a miracle bridge for you. Speak to others around you who have demonstrated wisdom. I even told the children this morning that they needed to listen to the children who are older both here now and those who have left and making it on their own. They KNOW! Listen to others who you deem followers of Christ.
Two things are vital: God may not speak to you as quickly as you desire and Do not forget that if you make a bad decision it is not the end of your life.