Opportunities in life often come disguised as problems. Two dozen children gave their lives to Jesus this morning and this afternoon two hard-headed teenage boys came to talk to me and they also received salvation. As I have said, “Even when we are sad God is at work preparing the last word”.
Tony leaves Monday for the states for 3 weeks & Adam & Vilma return Monday evening.

Opportunities come in the form of problems but the problems will strengthen you if you allow them to. With the salvation of so many children the last 2 weeks I know my tears are for me & not for Ani. Brandi shared with me that a number of college girls came to talk about their relationships that were not quiet right interpersonally with other teen girls. Not speaking to one another or gossip, etc and that they needed to reevaluate the relationship because life is too short. Another victory in this tragedy!
When I was an athlete 1/2 century ago I hated practice as well as weight room, running, etc. But the moment I stepped onto the field as the deep back on kick-off or punt returns I forgot about the pain of practice. Now the fun began!
Developing my character has been much more difficult than developing my strength or speed. Maybe someday I will be a better father, husband, teacher and above all a better Christian. Do not wait for things to change. Make the best of every situation and fight through to victory in Christ.