Pastor Carlos
Dottie & I met with Pastor Carlos in Chimaltenango whom we have known for 25 years. He will help me with the memorial service for Ani. Then I met with Ani’s mother.
We met with an insurance company as we attempt to get the correct liability coverage for everything & everyone we have at Casa.
Keiser returned from the hospital. They had to cut him open to allow him to breath through tubes.

Through suffering we are meant to know Jesus more and more. Funerals blow away all of our covering and we stand bare before God and eternity. Loving and trusting God when life hurts is a gift from God Himself.
Suffering is not the direct opposite of love. In reality love and suffering are not necessarily opposed at all. As a child of God I believe that I one of the chief glories of the Christian faith is the way in which it links love and suffering. How is the love of God shown? His love is shown through the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
I believe in my heart that the person who suffers the most can love others the most.