I just saw on CNN MY DAUGHTER TANYA was in the theater in Lafayette, La. My grandchildren were with her. God is so good! They were unhurt. They were all here for 3 months this summer & were safer here in Guatemala than La. It was Tanya’s birthday & her kids treated her to a movie.

In Jeremiah 31 God says that He loves us with an everlasting love. We have such a weird idea of what love is. People say that thy love a certain football team or a certain pet or a certain dress or a certain food but I do not believe that God loves me in the way I love ice cream.
His love is different. The word, love, in the Bible actually should have been translated “charity” but not what we currently think of as charity. It is not about giving money or old clothes to the Salvation Army or a person living in a ghetto.
Charity, Biblically, means Agape or the love of God Himself. Love is not an emotion to God for He Is Love! There is not anything at all about God or done by God that is not an expression of His love for us. If we want to know what true love is we must know God Himself for He is the root of all love.
When I first saw Dottie I knew that I loved her. She was not the prettiest or smartest or sexiest girl that I had ever seen. But I knew I loved her although I could not understand why. But once Jesus came into my life He showed me that I physically had not fallen in love. I had actually fallen in love spiritually. He had a plan for my life and my partner was to be more to me than my love for ice cream.
She was not a hamburger or the LSU Tigers or my favorite gold fish. She was an expression of who God was and is and that is the only love that will endure.