
First Baptist Church; 25 Spring Street; Keyser, West Virginia 26726.  I am sorry but I left off the zip code yesterday for Dwight walker.

Abel Mosquito was raised here & left to work & help his family & we continued to pay his education. He came to show me that he graduated & will be marrying Saturday, July 18th. I needed the good news.

I did not realize but we have a Virginia team here as well as a couple from Washington DC. So there are so many people here to help us grieve.


II Corinthians 1:3-5 are verses that have allowed me to walk through many times of despair, grieve and pain. It says that God is the God of all comfort Who comforts us so that we can in turn comfort others. Sunday in ministering to the children I used these scriptures and shared  that suffering is unbearable if you are not certain that God is for you and with you.

I cannot imagine how anyone can walk through the death of their child with the knowledge that Jesus is with them and that their child is with Jesus for eternity. I have cried now daily for 6 days but truly I cry because I cannot put into spoken words the pin in my heart for Ani.

Can I share with you that the problem for many people is they never understand that they need Jesus until ALL THEY HAVE is Jesus. If I did not have Jesus I would be hugging air. I would be crying out to a marble statue. I would holding on to emptiness.

But I know Jesus. Analy was with Ani as she was entering surgery and Ananly told me that she took Ani’s hand and said this: “Ani, Papi loves you. He wants to be with you in eternity. Do you know that Jesus is your Lord and Savior?” Ani could not answer but she squeezed Analy’s hand tightly.

Someone once aid that the only love you can trust is the love that never changes. God is LOVE and LOVE is JESUS.