Eddie Biddy
Eddie Biddy, a dear friend of Casa, passed away Friday evening. May God bring peace to his wife, Cindy, and family.
Andy, Jessie, Tim & I met to look at the financial condition for the dialysis supplies & equipment needed. Giving to the project has been small so pray with me that we can begin equipping the hospital in 2016.
Adam chose Damaris to replace Ani the Estrilitas dorm for little girls.

Dottie gets so nervous when I drive because when I look at something off to the right or left the car drifts in the direction I am looking. As human beings we will always drift in the direction in which we are gazing. If I look at treasures of this world I will allow my life to drift in that direction.
But if I “Delight in the Lord” He will begin to show me what is a need and what is a want in my life. As I learn what is the difference then I will drift towards the things of God rather then the things of earth.
Do I need this “Thing” or do I just “Want” it?
Keeping my delight in God will help me answer that question.