This morning Tim took Jacob to a beautiful restaurant where 30 minutes later Dottie and I brought Ana Ruth. In front of everyone Jacob went to his knee & proposed to her. She accepted. Years ago I told a pastor to let us build him a house and he said, “No but will you educate my children?” At the last moment 4 year old Jacob was handed to me through the window and today he is finished with college, engaged to his love and walking with goals and dreams. I am proud of him and only pray that others will do it God’s way as Ana Ruth and Jacob have done.
Brandi is in the states. Lee & Candy are vacationing in Antigua.
The vice-president of Guatemala is in prison as are a host of other corrupt individuals.
A Christian Guatemalan church came and presented a program and shared the Word with the younger children.
My daughter, becky, finished her dental work so she is smiling brightly.

Larry brought a devotion to the men last night. It was John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son”.
I always read those words as “God loved so God gave”. If I am a child of God then I will love and I will give. God loves us not because of who we are but because of who He is. That love involves not only love but forgiveness and mercy. As His children we need to be forgiving and not hold grudges towards of others.
Jesus taught that we need to go the second mile and I am certain that He wants us to go the 3rd mile, 4th mile and whatever milage is needed in order to show others we love them because God loves us.
The measure of love is what you are willing to give up for it. Love is not always received and surely is not always reciprocated. Just because you love a person it does not mean they will love you back. I read somewhere that, “When God measures a man He puts the tape around the man’s heat and not his head”.