If I am your Father

A gang member was treated at a local hospital here & when released he said to the doctor “I cannot pay you in cash but is there anyone you want dead?”
Aura’s boyfriend is of another religion & today he came to talk about salvation & making the right choices. He received!
For the first time in weeks all of the dialysis children are back at Casa. Marjorie is not doing well as they placed a catheter in her leg & she can hardly walk. Very painful!
In Malachi 1 God says, “If I am your Father, where is my honor?” Every human being will worship something. God created us to worship and if we do not worship Him we will worship something else such as sports, people, money and possessions.
Matthew 15:7-8 says, “You hypocrite, you come close with your mouth and honor me with your lips but your heart is far from Me”. Malachi and Matthew record the same truth. We talk a good Christian talk and then we give God the very least that we have. We fail at worship because we do not see the greatness of God.
So how do we honor God? We remember His majestic Fatherhood and great love. We treasure Him above all things. But the three words that I consider are the words which show us how to treasure God. Attention, Devotion and Love!
I cannot place anything or anyone as more important to me than God the Father. I must be devoted to try harder to love Him more, serve Him stronger and respect Him above all others.