Life and Death
A peaceful Sunday!
However, Luis in dialysis needs a miracle so please pray.

The Word tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Words are powerful. We even know of teenagers who have been bullied, criticized or made fun of who took their own lives. There re words that destroy and there are words that create.
A child who is told he is stupid, ugly, fat, slutty, etc. will carry those words inside and as a seed (God says words are seeds) those words will grow. As they grow they begin to produce. What a difference there is between a good crop and a bad crop
If I am told I am loved I will seek to fulfill my loving nature. If I am told that I am ‘bad’ I will seek to prove that those words are true. I have seen more children destroyed by words than by accident, disease or guns.
I pray that God will give me a staff that will speak only good things about the children. They will lift them up and praise them. They will praise them in front of visitors and government officials.