Life is not Always Fair

Dina & Nancy came to see me with a belated birthday gift. Dina is a nurse in a cancer hospital while Nancy is a nurse in another hospital. I am so proud of them.
All the teams have left & soon only 4 lonely visitors will be at Casa.
Sunday evening Dwight returns so we need prayers for the Memorial Service for Ani and the court case with both of them being on Wednesday.
I am not sure if you noticed but life does not always seem to be fair. In fact, today I was writing out the little papalitos for the children who received spending money from their sponsors this past month and less than 50% of our children received money.
I was born 5’7″ instead of 6’2″. I was born with a rusty spoon in my mouth, not a silver one.
The list goes on and you can look around you and see that life has not been that fair to everyone equally. Cancer, blindness, poverty, abuse and abandonment have been the plight of millions of people.
Sometimes we do the right thing and lose anyway.
But fairness is not what God is all about. He wants to fellowship with us and He wants us with Him in heaven for eternity. This world is a mess because of Satan and his hordes but “Jesus is greater” and the end result will be eternal peace, worship and fellowship.
I am grateful for what I have had. My 5’6″ frame is made in His image. The death of my 3 children prepared me and permitted me to love on and raise over 5000 children. The pain in my back has slowed me down and made me make plans for the future of Casa.