Lovest thou me?
Emily returned from the hospital & is fine. No new cases of illness the last 24 hours. Praise the Lord!
Billy took our school band members to observe a marching band competition.
The teachers in the school came to me & wanted to lay hands on me and pray. As they finished each teacher kissed me & said “Animo, Papi”. It is a term that means “keep on going”.
Early this morning brothers, ages 1 & 3, arrived at Casa.

“So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs” (John 21:15)
I believe that if Satan could have any wish of his granted it would be that no one would love Jesus. It is so sad to see the lack of love the world in general has for Jesus. “Lovest thou me?” is followed with “Feed my lambs”.
Lambs, of course, are the children throughout the world. As mentioned above God sent two lambs to the baby dorm this morning, two little boys for Chad and Abby to love.
Sometimes it seems that people today just don’t understand the word commitment anymore. Jesus is calling Peter to follow Him completely. It is a calling that requires sacrifice. It is interesting that it is to Peter that Jesus speaks these words.
Peter as proud and boastful, impetuous and eventually a coward who denied even knowing Jesus. He was a mess. In fact, he was just like me. I am a mess and I have exhibited the negative characteristics of Peter listed here and many more.
But Jesus chooses Peter to teach the lambs. Isn’t that ironic? It seems that the Lord looked high and low for someone without talent or qualifications and told them to love the children.