Pride of Life
We finished July as probably the most difficult month in our 27 years but God has been faithful. The teams helped us emotionally as well as physically so we are grateful to them. We continue to have teams for another month so we know God will use them to minister to the children and staff.
Last night Gladys held a prayer, praise and worship time with ALL of the children without any staff or other adults. The feedback has been wonderful.
Two boys broke arms today so that is 3 this week.
The lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh and now God says the third way in which Satan destroys us if the pride of life. “I am better than anyone else” is the attitude many people have within their hearts. They may not say it out loud but they think it inside.
It was pride in which Satan lost Paradise. It was pride that cost Him an eternity with Jesus. It is pride with which he continues to attack the children of God. I believe the greatest area of pride is vanity. The amount of money spent on make-up, spas and gyms, clothes, etc in order to “look better” is too often only pride. Losing weight or gaining muscle or any other such thing can lead to a downfall due to vanity and pride.
There is also the pride of achievement. I am a better athlete than you or a better mother or I am an elected official. Achievements of any kind can easily lead to pride if we fail to give God the glory.
What about the pride of possessions? “My house! My car! My things!”
Pride of position can be a down fall to many Christians. Deacons not called by God, etc. “I am pastor and no one can tell me what to do”. Attitudes such as this are destructive.