The funeral
The funeral was not s difficult as I thought. The parents were in control of their emotions but of course it was sad.
Without our “team” these horrors would be worst. Walter, Maria & Gladys stayed nearly 14 hours with the body at the hospital, police, attorney general’s office, forensic, judge’s offices & funeral home. Irene, Chad, Abby, Kevin & teen girls stayed with each child & we had a lab technician examine blood and feces. Tim, Celia & I took the other sick child to a private hospital. Sebastian, Lily & Angelina did the paper work & took it to the city. Tim, Analy & Mynor went at 5:30am to find the parents & bring them to my house.

Only Christians can know the joy in the midst of sorrows. But everyone alive knows the pain of suffering. There are relationship crisis, financial crisis, health crisis and dozens of other types of sufferings that affect us all. Paul said that he suffered more than anyone.
How did he survive? How did he become the man of God who was used to bring us so much knowledge from the throne of God. First, he kept his eyes on Jesus. H was able to see the big picture. He knew that life was short like a blade of grass or a puff of smoke. How true it is that our lives pass so quickly. Paul knew this life was not what was to be our greatest concern.
His pain was not his focus. The focus of Paul was on producing fruit. He looked daily as to how he could help others. He sought to be the hands, mouth and heart of Jesus in this natural world. He wanted to make a difference.
Instead of all of the negatives he thought of the positives. He knew what the enemy had done to him but he focused on what Christ had done and was doing.
If I had a choice I still would want to have lived through these last 6 weeks of pain all over again. Because even though it hurts I rejoice in the fact that I knew Ani, Juan and the baby. I know that the older two heard the Gospel and that they had an opportunity to choose eternal life with Jesus.
Without the pain there is little fruit. Do not attempt to avoid it!!