
The ministry at Word of Life was great as usual. We were able to visit with Mark, Julie & Nell. The evening at 1st Baptist was to a packed church & they were so kind to us.

After services we stayed with Don & his family where there was a reception & many of my Bunkie High classmates came to visit us.

We are on our way to Madison, Alabama where Wednesday 6pm we will share at Crosspointe Church. Josue’ will head towards The Woodlands, Texas where he will share with the places Katie has for him.



When God called me to Guatemala I was 45 years old, spoke no Spanish and had $2,000 in the bank. The point is that God can open a door for anybody. But when the door is opened it is our responsibility to walk through it. He will not force you to go through the door He opens.

Have you ever just wondered, “What am I going to do with the rest of my life?”  So many people are retiring and they are just vacationing constantly or they are sitting around anticipating the end. Larry & Sue are examples of going through the door of opportunity. Nearly our age they have chosen to bless the children at Casa with their expertise and love. He is assisting with teams, construction and maintenance as well as teaching the teenage boys the art of plumbing. She is sharing her talents in cooking and jewelry making in order to affect the lives of the teenage girls.

Bob, an expert carpenter and cabinet maker, is teaching carpentry as well as working almost non-stop on physical improvements at Casa. He is not as old as we are but he saw an open door and he went through the door just as Larry and Sue have done.

There are younger staff members at Casa who have taken the open door offered to them by God. The point is you are breathing and therefore you can stay involved in what God has for you to do. Look for His open door.