Electrical Problem
We woke up to electrical problems as a wire was cut by rubbing inside the metal box. It cut off the generator to our well but Adam and Chad fixed it.
Dottie & I were invited to attend an event by the mayor of San Lucas which honored the Education Supervisor for our state. One of our teachers presented her with flowers & a special gift on behalf of all the private schools.

God has a place for everyone even you and me. If you truly seek God’s counsel He will give directions to you. Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy”.
“Why did God put me here?” Dottie and I are in Guatemala. You are where you are because He did so for a purpose. The Christian who looks at every day being a gift of God has already begun to be where God can speak to him. You wake up knowing He is there.
Billy Graham said, “Homes that are built on anything other than love are bound to crumble”. But when you have love for God you expect everyday to have more blessings than negatives. I have felt the sting of disappointment but in the Gospel of John Jesus tells us “In this world you will have “stings” but take heart because I have overcome the world”.
Joy really does come in the morning! So although you have cried a river of tears due to pains, disappointments, discouragements or failures stand fast because the morning surely will arise.