Polling places around the country have been entered and ballots burned. Fraud is the order of the day. Our mayor race was so violent they burned part of the school & most of the ballots. No one knows who the mayor will be.
Well, we are on our way to Lake Charles in the morning for a few days before beginning Sunday with our sharing ministry at various churches. Pray for us as we travel and pray for our team at Casa as they carry the load.
The presidential results have a television comedian leading with 27% of the vote & two other candidates at 19.69%and 19.58% of 98.26% of votes cast. There were 14 candidates to choose from.

The disciples walked with Jesus for 3 years observing His teaching, His miracles and His ministry. However they also saw Him scourged, beaten, crowned with thorns & murdered on a cross. Following the crucifixion Peter told the disciples “I am going fishing”. He meant that he was returning to the business of fishing.
He was returning to where he felt familiar and comfortable. Many Christians are like Peter. When things get tough they want to return to something that gives them comfort. I cannot speak for everyone but many times over these last 27 years I have wanted to get out from under the load of Casa and return to the institution for mentally challenged children where I worked over 40 years ago.
Peter was facing the unknown so he went to the boat. When God calls us he does not say how long, how difficult or how challenging it will be. In Psalms God tells us “Be still and know that I am God”. He does not say, “Be still and know the future.
The fear of the unknown is the major reason people do not take a step of faith. I was frightened when asked to teach Sunday school. I felt unworthy and certainly felt I was unlearned in the Bible. The same experience came again when asked to build a church and pastor it. Then again an unknown when God told me to start the Christian school.
As I have walked over these many years it seems like every step I took was into the unknown. The transition which has begun at Casa is another step in the unknown.
But if I will be still and know God He will light my path and those of our staff, our children and our supporters and prayer partners. This is not the time to go fishing. This is the time to get in the yoke and walk the walk.