The second floor was poured today. Cement trucks began at 4 after the initial crew set up at 3:30am. They were finished in 3 hours.
The destruction to the school was complete. Totally destroyed by rioters in San Bartolome’. They also stole the computers and other things. It appears all votes were thrown out if not burned & there will be a second round of voting.
Our fifth & sixth graders were scheduled to participate in an Academic Olympics today. The junior & senior high school students were schooled for the Academic Olympics tomorrow. In fact, programs & competitions were scheduled all week for Independence Day.
Malcolm picked us up at the airport & drove us to the Abraham’s little cabin & then Debbie & Cindy met us with mail, etc.

Before we left Guatemala a boy who left Casa years ago came to see me & said, “Dad, you taught me the Word. It is not your fault it is mine. I made the wrong decisions.” Then he prayed for me.
I wish I could tell you that all of the children we have ‘raised’ over the years turned out to be obedient to the Word and serving God with all their heart. But I cannot say that and sometimes I get down on myself  for not being a better father to the children the Lord sent to me.
Have all of your children risen to the heights spiritually that you desired for them? I have seen so many children drift away from God as time passes. There is a huge gap between them and me and sadly between them and God.
Ezekiel 22:30 gives us hope in that it says, “I sought for a man among them, that should make a hedge and stand in the gap before me.” As a father it is my responsibility to stand in that gap and pray for my child building a hedge around them that keeps Satan from totally destroying them. It means if I pray then God will still keep them and prevent them from going too far to be reminded of what God has taught them over the years.
Hayes says that when we pray for our children it is as though we are building a bridge so that they can find their way back to Jesus.
Do you get discouraged when your prayers are not answered? That is the time to pray some more.