As we prepare to leave for the USA I have the dates for the February trip. Our first date is Sunday, February 14th at Family Life in Lafayette, La. So everything from that day until March 9th is open.
The Guatemalan congress has removed immunity for the corruption charges against the President. He resigned. The new election is this Sunday. So the circus begins!
Adam & Alex took some teens to pick up a donation of clothes & school supplies in Mixco.

Brother Lawrence wrote, “I do not know what God has in store for me , but I feel so serene that it does not matter. What do I have to be afraid of when I’m with Him?”
Dottie & I fly home twice yearly and we trust that the airplane is well maintained and the pilots are well trained. We enter the plane with confidence that everything be will fine and in 3 hours or so we will arrive in Houston.
However, a few times, there has been inclement weather or a rough landing that threw our minds a curve and we totally forgot that we were safe in the hands of the pilot and the aircraft. Bumpy traveling can make you very nervous and sometimes it can make you downright scared.
Often I awake totally convinced that all will go well that day. I pray and thank Jesus for the fact I woke up and that I am healthy enough to accomplish what needs to be done. But then the ride gets bumpy.
What do I do in the midst of turbulence in the air? I WAIT!! I do not enjoy the wait but I have to stay seated, stay buckled, pray and have faith in the aircraft and the pilot. That is not always so easy. In all the years we have trailed only once did we have to make an emergency landing surrounded by fire trucks, ground crews, emergency personnel and vehicles and possibly someone waiting to give last rites.
But we did stay seated and we WAITED and we landed safely. My prayer is that I would have as much trust in the Lord as I do in a pilot and more faith in His calling upon my life than I do in the aircraft. I truly need to learn to Wait Upon the Lord.