Love #7

With all my heart I ask you to read this with prayer & agreement. Can you pray with me that retired nephrologists as well as technicians and nurses would consider coming to be a part of the ministry to our kidney diseased children? We will need dozens of physicians & nurses once we open the hospital. They could come for two weeks or more throughout the year and help us to grow. We will need hundreds of thousands of dollars to equip it before we even start so we need you guys praying with us.

Dottie and I drove to Lake Charles stopping in Baton Rouge to see my sister Virginia. Sunday we will see my other sister Charlotte.

Wednesday evening we will be at Glad Tidings Assembly in Lake Charles.

A number of our children won awards in the academic olympics for our state.


Academic winners
Academic winners


Natural human love, Eros or Phileo, has failed. It will eventually always fail. But when we have Agape love we have God living in us as He lived in Jesus. And this love is like wild flowers on an area of rocks and sand. The flowers hide or cover the landscape. God’s love for us and in us is like the wildflowers as it “Covers” us and hides the ugliness.

In John 13:34 Jesus says, “I pray that you will love one another ‘EVEN AS’ I have loved you”. I am to love even as He loves so I am to take His place. I am to love others in His place. Love gives us all that is beautiful. A home without love is not a home at all. It is only a house. If we go where there is no love we do not find a home. We find only a building where a family lives.

Love is the reason for life. Where there is no love there is no reason to live. The heart is the life of man and love is the life of the heart. Eros leads to an empty and useless existence whereas Agape leads to life and life more abundantly.

When we leave the love of God we are leaving His will and purpose for our lives. Why are our prayers unanswered?

Stay tuned!