Social Worker
Marjorie came through her surgery very well but Luis is now experiencing problems with his catheter. He also called me a “liar” because I had said we would let him go stay overnight with his mother. But she is so poor & the area around and inside her house is a pig sty. He would get an infection in a matter of hours. We want the judge to order her to visit him at Casa.
I met the new social worker, Dina, although she will not be here full time for a few weeks. She can give us 2 days a week which will help us with the CNA report.

Rocky Marciano, my favorite heavy weight champion, was asked how he finished undefeated & his answer was, “Simple! I get up one time more than I get knocked down.” Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us to run with endurance. I want my feet to still be going when God calls me home after finishing my race.
Perseverance means you are not in a hurry. Remember the tortoise and the hare! The fastest or strongest or wisest does not mean they will win. I have seen so many Christians having false starts. They begin a job or begin a marriage or a ministry only to put the brakes on short of the finish line.
When a person tells me they want to come to Casa to join our staff I always ask if they know for sure it is God’s will. If a couple wants to wed I ask if God has spoken to them both that this is the person they are to marry. Every decision is critical and if we make the decision based on emotion we will never persevere.
Are you tired? Are you discouraged? Are you struggling? If you can tell me God has spoken to you about what you are to do then I suggest you persevere until the end of your race. Why? Because God has His own time table. He works according to His clock which sometimes runs a little slow for us.