The gap is everywhere
The queen’s contest was held for Queen of Aleluya High School.
We met with Kenny this morning & it has been so many years so it was a good reunion.
Dottie shopped for school pants for the new boys at Casa.
Our son, Chad, brought us 10 pounds of Cajun boudin. Josue’ loved it.
Dottie and I can be reached at 337 -304-3263 while in the states.
The Gap in today’s world is not just between families. There is a gap between black & white; a gap between Moslems and everyone else; a gap between pastors & congregation; a gap between employees & employers; a gap between husbands & wives; a gap between parents & children & a gap between government & those ruled. In fact we could list dozens of other gaps.
So even if you tell me you have no gaps between your family members there are many there gaps Christians should be concerned about.It is critical we know how to stand in that gap.
Jesus stood in the gap for us. But think of how God the Father stood in the gap for Moses & Pharaoh, Abraham & Lot, Jacob & Esau, Joseph & his brothers, David & punishment for multiple sins, Daniel & the lions and the list continues.
How did Jesus stand in the gap for us. There were 4 ways: Submission, Suffering, with the Word and by Prayer.
Today let us look at what God says about submission. This is totally unnatural as we all want to be in control. But I Peter 5:5 “Until we ALL come to the unity of the faith”. First you have to submit to Jesus first before anything else can be done for the divisions you face. If we do not first submit to God there is no way we can bridge the gap.
Peter also tells us that younger is to submit to older & also to one another. Titus 2:9 says the servant has to submit to the master. Ephesians 6:1 says that children are to obey their parents. Also that fathers are not to provoke their children. Ephesians says we are to submit to one another.
Do not pester God if you are unwilling to submit to the authorities He has placed for us. Pray for the government and pray for those God has placed in your life. But be certain you are a follower of Jesus and not interested in ANYTHING but the salvation of those around you.