To jail we go
The Guatemalan President spent the night in jail for his own safety & the assurance he would be back in court today.A new President was sworn in and immediately demanded all of the Cabinet to resign. There were 77 wiretaps implicating him. Across the country local elections are getting very ugly as we head to Sunday’s elections.
The social worker will be giving us 2 days a week until she can begin full time. Everyone seems to like her. Also we will get two more psychologists for a year to help the two we have with all of the new reports being asked of us.
Hebrews 6:12 ” Through faith and patience we inherit the promises”. If I am to succeed spiritually I must learn perseverance. However, God says that we are to possess the Kingdom. To possess indicates a need to fight to obtain. Luke 8:15 “bear fruit with perseverance”.
We have to fight for our families, our churches, our nation and ourselves. Christians are called soldiers and soldiers are soldiers because they are preparing for or entering into battle.
Did you know the root of perseverance is “severe”. So obtaining the blessings necessitates severity and extreme. There are no true sissy Christians. Our success will come in our faith and the decision as to how far we are willing to go to obtain for ourselves and others the blessings of God.
So many are “SAVED” but they are not “OVERCOMING”. Not all saved people are willing to serve in God’s army. Satan wants you to give up. He wants you AWOL. He wants you to run in the face of battle(adversity).
With the power of the Holy Spirit we can resist the enemy and win our battles. Jesus has already won the war. We just need to obtain what He has won for each of us.