Who can I blame?

CJ and the plumbing team is at Casa & has begun the plumbing for the dialysis construction. The Lord is so good & it is being built so quickly. The Buen Pastor boys formed a line and moved 1500 concete blocks to the third floor.
Dottie spoke to the ladies group at Fayette Baptist and I am sure she did well. Josue’ & Estella came with the kids to stay with us & go to both services.
Silas broke his hand.

Ever since the garden of Eden when Adam said, “The woman you gave me” we have tended to blame others for our mistakes, failures and foolish actions. Blaming things on the government or on your family or a buddy just isn’t what God desires of us. But we blame teachers, friends, pastors, bosses or anyone else who happens to be near.
Own up to your mistakes and failures!
However, my real enemy is Satan. Peter understood this when he wrote in his first book 5:8 that the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour. Boy, Satan is indeed a hungry lion constantly trying to devour our dreams, our power and our purpose.
The Bible tells us that Satan enticed David into adultery and murder. Jesus told Peter that Satan wanted to sift him like wheat. John wrote that Satan persuaded Judas to betray Jesus. The woman with the infirmity is said to have been bound up by Satan for 18 years. Paul writes that Satan blinded the eyes of those who do not believe.
Look at the list of words: Devouring! Inciting! Sifting! Persuaded! Bound! Blinded! Wow! No wonder we struggle when we have an enemy like that who uses every trick in the box. He comes to steal, kill and destroy.
But God tells Joshua to remember what God has already done. A child asked me a few years ago if it shook me up when I received the electric bill. I was holding it when he asked the question and it was over $11,000 for that month. I asked the boy if he would multiply 26 times 12 for me. He said it is 312 to which I answered, “Son, if God has paid this bill for 312 consecutive months why should I worry now?”
You see if I keep my mind on Jesus and remember what He has done all of these many years how can I then blame any lack or any failure on anyone? I must believe and I must REMEMBER!!!