A church group came & ministered with games, the Word, etc. for three dorms. There are now 71 children in the baby dorm.  We received two new children.

The men’s Bible study & prayer time has grown & it is truly a blessing.

Kevin & Mynor went to buy Christmas gifts in one direction while Josue’ & Oscar went in the opposite direction.


When the government gives people something for nothing it can be a curse. When a person gives out of obligation or being pressured it brings no reward. If you want what you do and give to be beautiful in the eyes of God you must give from a heart filled with love (Agape).

Remember God so loved the world He gave His Son. It was from a heart of love that God gave. It should be from a heart of love that we give also. God expects us to give as Jesus gave.

I am getting old and I need more love than at any other time in my life. So the love that I receive depends upon how much love I have sowed over the years. Love should propel us to care for the poor, the hungry, the sick and the lonely. Love lifts us to a different level. When we live in a way that honors God the love will come from us and back to us.

Selfishness is what keeps us from giving.