Victor, one of the school directors, came to thank me for the 7 years he worked here. He was not qualified to take a higher position & so he is leaving. He was the man that held the school together spiritually & I am certain he will influence hundreds of children in the future as he has here. I will miss him.
Dottie & I shopped for hours for the 70 oldest teenage boys and found NOTHING in our price range. This is a difficult group to buy for.
Yesterday was Bob’s one year anniversary since joining our staff & what a difference he has made.
The IRS of Guatemala, SAT, sent representatives to tell the children about taxes. Interesting!

Most people think that because of the abuse many of our girls endure they are the most difficult group to minister to but that is not true. The teenage boys are the most difficult. It appears that they struggle more than the girls in receiving of God’s Agape love. Since few of them have ever experienced the love of a father they struggle with loving themselves and others.
Jesus tells us to love others as we love ourselves. Well, if we do not love ourselves we cannot love others. Many marriages are suffering because the husband does not know how to love. He this if he gives hi children everything they want then he is a good loving father.
But Agape is about us loving ourselves and sharing that love we received from God with our family. Breaking through the crust many of our boys have is a challenge. God loves me. I love God. I love myself. Therefore I love others. Sounds so simple but……………..