Dr Miguel
God has blessed us again. Dr. Miguel Rodriquez will join our staff January 1, 2016. He is a trauma surgeon trained in pediatrics. He did work with Dr Lou our nephrologist. God is awesome.
The government has outdone itself. First, no one at Casa or any other government home can put photos of children on any social media. Secondly, no child from homes may leave the property without special permission of the judge. It causes your head to spin. We are seeking clarification on these new laws.

An elderly preacher was asked to preach a sermon on the most important subject He knew. Here it is:
“Jesus loves me this I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
We are weak but He is strong….
Yes, Jesus loves me….
The Bible tells me so.”
When he finished he sat down. I suppose most of the congregation sat speechless and the others thought he was senile. But at 72 years of age I know that what the poem says is truly the greatest subject on earth.
I know for sure that I belong to Him. I also know that when I am weak He is strong.
God’s revelation to us is not mysterious and hard to understand. The youngest child can know His love. If we know His love we will know Him more deeply over the years as we age. The love of God becomes brighter and brighter as we age.
For a Christian the brightest His love will shine is the day of our death as we move from earth to the Light of Love we call heaven.