As soon as you read this pray for Onesy as she will have surgery on her throat Monday as will Francisco for his cleft lip. This will change their lives forever.
The last two Sundays I have really poured my heart into the two sermons but it seems as though they just flew over the heads of the kids. Pray that I can do a better job of presenting the message of Christ.
Wilbur asked for Rosario’s hand in marriage today. She works with the dialysis kids & has been here for years. I will continue to send her to college. Wilbur was here for years & has a good job.

When we were in Birmingham last month I walked into a MacDonalds to get Dottie some coffee & it was filled with Alabama fans heading towards Tusculoosa. A sea of red! I had an LSU cap on & one man began screaming obscenities at me. I was so taken back because he had his sons of about 9 or 10 years old with him. Soon the entire place was yelling at me. I smiled, got the coffee & left.
All that I could think of was “Love your enemies”. Agape love demands that we make peace with our enemies. The world we live in has become an environment all over the globe. Nations hate one another! Christian denominations are not tolerant of other Christian denominations. Moslems even hate other Moslems. White hates black and black hates white. And now it appears that blood runs hot over something as fleeting and insignificant as a football game. Of course here in Central America it is soccer.
Matthew 5:44 “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”
Jesus tells us four actions to take towards our enemies. Love, bless, do good and pray.