Love #12

69 dead, 350 missing and 125  homes under tons of mud in Santa Caterina, Guatemala.

We completed our trip home with a Missionary Banquet at Northside Assembly & I was honored to be able to give the keynote message. Missionaries from Peru, Africa & India were there.

Dottie & I want to thank all of the churches & pastors who opened their doors to us this past month. Without a doubt Dottie & I were at the place of emotional, physical and even spiritual exhaustion. Your provision of lodging & fellowship helped to give us the needed rest. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

To those of you who kept Josue’ & found him places to minister I wish to thank you also. The older children are the future of Casa.



Love is the reason man exists. It is the Agape love of God that created us. Agape held every wound and broken heart. This Agape love is poured all over my failures and heals me spirit, soul and body. Agape gives us everything that is beautiful.

If I visit the home of one of my children and I find no Agape there then I have found a dwelling place but not a home. A house is there and furniture is scattered about but I have not found a home. A home is born out of Jesus’s love.

What does the Lord require of you? What does the Lord require of Dottie and me? He requires that I DO NOT LOVE the children with a kindly, friendly love. He requires that I love with an Agape love. If I love with Agape I can help to redeem their wasted lives and transform them into useful Christians. If I step away from Agape love I will simply step out of His will.

I John 3:13 “Hereby know we love,because He laid down His life for us. Now we should lay down our lives for our brothers. If I have this world’s goods and withhold that from those with needs I DO NOT HAVE HIS LOVE(AGAPE) IN ME.”

God knows and John writes it clearly that if we turn down a brother in need and refuse to help him then we have closed our hearts to the compassion of God”.