They are a blessing

The 13 quinceaneras we took to the hotel were so obedient & just enjoyed themselves so much. Having Gladys with us was a real help as always. She watched over Wendy (dialysis) & helped monitor the girls in the evenings.

We submitted more paper work today for our educational license which will be good for 5 years. We changed classes from afternoon for the high school to all students in the morning.

Gladys & Aroldo took Wendy shopping for a gown.

They love the pool & sauna.
They love the pool & sauna.

I Peter 4:8 “Love covers a multitude of sins.” You could also read this as love PREVENTS a multitude of sins. Either way it is a great scripture. It will be a shield when you are attacked by others but it will also prevent you from gossiping, criticizing or bitterness towards others.

When Jesus was accused by those wanted to kill Him the Word says, “He answered them not”. That is Agape love and I pray that one day I can obey that scripture. I always seem to want to defend myself. Someone said that selfishness is like a giant engine that pulls a train full of suffering and human agony down the tracks of life.

I don’t know which nation on earth has the most laws. I know Guatemala has many and the USA has thousands of laws. But I can tell you rules, regulation, edicts and laws will not change the human heat. Only the Holy Spirit can change a man’s heRT.

I remember years ago seeing a cartoon about Dennis the Menace and it showed him being punished by his mother. She told him to sit in a corner of the room. When she left the room he said, “I am sitting on the outside but I am standing on the inside”.

Hw many of us are like that? Are we really what we appear to be? Are we sitting one way when we are in front of others but actually our heart is standing?