It was difficult to sleep because my mind continues to think of Jose’. A few folks e-mailed me asking about his salvation. Actually Sunday, 3 days before leaving, he came my room & asked to pray because he wanted assurance of heaven when he died. So he knew the decision he made was critical. We will meet again.
The school had an end-of-the-school-year service. Billy has done a tremendous job this year & I am very proud of his professionalism as well as his take-charge, do-the-right-thing attitude.

If anyone asked me what I would like above all things I honestly believe I would want to walk in love. I don’t! But I want to. Kind deeds, loving words, smiling,helping and giving with no strings attached would be my desire. I constantly pray that Casa would be a home of love. The children would feel the love from the staff. The staff would love one another. The children would also love one another.
Love is the reason God created the earth and created Adam and then gave him a wife. It is love that kept God from washing His hands with the entire mess Adam caused. It is love that had a plan for generations when He would be reunited with the New Adam.
Loving is our only real reason to live and so many people are blind to what real love is and real living is. People will line up at midnight to get a gift on black Friday or whatever day that is. Many of those same people do not give their children the greatest gift of all: love for God; love for others and a relationship with Christ.
I know I do not always act in love. I fail many times by not telling the truth in love. I come up short when it comes to forgiveness.
What a blessing it would be if Christians truly loved one another at all times. Each of us is taking the place of Jesus on this earth. Others will know Christ not because of eloquent words but but simple acts of kindness and Agape love.