The rains are brutal & not slowing down. Landsides have occurred from Antigua to San Lucas only a mile from us and Panajachel near Solola. Major flooding is taking place in many areas. All public schools all are closed for the week.
Karen’s kidney is back at 90% but with high dosages of drugs. The physicians said there is still a possibility of rejection so pray. On a sweet side Karen asked the doctor who performed her transplant to walk her at graduation & he accepted & she is on cloud nine.
Francisco had successful surgery also. So we thank the Lord both children did well.

John 15:9-10 “Even as the Father loves Me, I also love you:abide in my love…that My joy may be in you” is the goal of the Father.
Living in love and practicing love everyday in all your different circumstances & situations is His will for us. He knows when we walk in that love we will not continue to sin. Our lives will change slowly and slowly but we will be different in our actions towards others. If I walk out this love (Agape) I will walk out of joy and fellowship with Him.
Do you believe in love? Do you believe that to walk in love is to walk in the highest contact and relationship with God Himself?
The word ‘abide’ means to ‘live in’. With His love (Agape) you and I are living as God would live were He in human form today. We are the hands of Jesus, the feet of Jesus, etc. He lives through us because we abide in Him and He abides in us. Salvation should mean that we have given control of our mind, will and emotions to God and are willing to do AS HE WOULD DO if He were physically among is.
When Jesus said, “If you have seen Me you have seen the Father” He was saying to me “Mike, do others see Me in the way you live?” I was born of love and that love is greater than anything or anyone Satan can bring against us.
But it based upon FELLOWSHIP daily with our Heavenly Father.