The Louisiana team is working so hard as we are getting the trusses ready for the roof of the dialysis unit. In spite of consistent rains the last few months the construction continues.

True love is not lukewarm. He is hot and fervent. It will not be indifferent and will always take a stand for the one it loves. Agape will not give up. It will be there in the end. It will persevere and stay determined to do the best for the one it loves.
There are far too many people who stop short. They give up! They do not breathe take. They do not finish the race. “Until death do us part” is not just for marriage. It for our relationships, our calling and our ministry. This type of love knows how to endure.
Agape will be the love that triumphs regardless of roadblocks or obstacles. Agape will overcome every trial and temptation the enemy throws at it.