Warfare has been declared on the dialysis program. Jose who made the decision to leave at age 18 is having convulsions at his home. The judge is sending Karen back to her parents although her transplanted kidney is not at 90%. Elias’s transplanted kidney is not functioning as it should. Keiser just had a large tumor removed & we are awaiting results on the biopsy. Sindy 1 is deep into depression because her mother will not come visit her. And now Aroldo who is responsible for getting the dialysis kids to the hospital, court, etc just blew the engine in his car. It will cost $2500 to repair. And Rosario who is an angel of mercy working with those children for years is marrying in two weeks and we will lose her.
The older kids have asked that they not receive Christmas gifts so that the money can go to the hospital construction. That is so kind. Compassion!
Money for the hospital & dialysis is trickling in although what I have I need and what I do not have, I do not need today.

How many promises have been made to you that were broken? Better still, how many promises have you made and then broke? A promise is only good if it is kept. Anyone can make a promise but not everyone will keep the promise.
The word that I associate with promise making and promise keeping is faithfulness.God is always faithful to keep His promises to His children. A favorite scripture of mine is Lamentations 3:22-23 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS.”
He promises to forgive my sins and He does. He promises to meet my needs and He does. He promises to protect me and He does. He promises that He will never leave me and He won’t. He promises to answer when I call and He does. He promises me that I will walk through NO valley alone but He will be with me and He is.
It is impossible for God to lie.(Hebrews 6:18) That is why His promises are always true. He is a God of His Word! Galatians 5 lists the fruits of the Spirit and one of those is faithfulness. When I am faithful I am reflecting Who God is.
But here is the rub!! I MUST BELIEVE THAT!! Knowing God is faithful is not the same as living as though God is faithful. For a period of about 5-6 months I was as low in a valley as a person could be. I actually was so depressed I considered just allowing my board to take over Casa and Dottie and I would return home.
What changed that was when I kept meditating on the Word that He Who called me would be faithful to keep me unto the end. I was unfaithful because I was filled with doubt and despair. But God was faithful. It seemed like the valley I was walking in had no exit and then He was there. He told me He was faithful and remembered me not because I was good or made good decisions but because He loved me. I called and He answered. End of story!!