Do you love your wife/husband?
Last night at the men’s Bible time & prayer time Esvin said, “I want to thank God for His blessings since Flor and I started searching God together.” Do you realize how profound that is? When husbands and wives seek God together His presence falls upon their lives.
Just to be clear you need to know whatever is given to the children by sponsors, etc for Christmas will go to the child. We will be giving every child 8-12 gifts so they will be blessed. We just will not buy expensive items apart from clothes & shoes for them.
Last night the teenagers had a bonfire here on campus to continue what was begun at the camp.

Read this again: Last night at the men’s Bible time & prayer time Esvin said, “I want to thank God for His blessings since Flor and I started searching God together.” Do you realize how profound that is? When husbands and wives seek God together His presence falls upon their lives.
As we prayed for one another there were 4 young men who prayed in Spanish and 4 American men praying in English as we went around the table. Larry said, “I have no idea what these young men are praying but I feel the Spirit”. Guess what? God does not need a translator. He hears our heart not our language.
When men realize that blessings for their families depends upon prayer between husband and wife and the seeking of His will together blessings will flow. Without Him we can do nothing. When He is the main Person in our marriage there are no limits as to what He will do. He just wants a seat at the table!
Make time to pray as a family. Make time to pray as a couple. Invite Him into your lives as a couple. He stands at the door and knocks but He will not enter unless you ask Him to.