I do not own anything
Sebastian, Lily and I brought the adopted child to his new parents today and he was very happy. There is no doubt this adoption is a good fit for parents and child.
Tim came through surgery fine but will be out of pocket for a few weeks. I will put the new transition plans on hold until January except for moving Ireni from the baby dorm to assist Aroldo in dialysis.
The Mississippi team had a game night for the older kids.

Part of the transition is how to make sure all of the property we own is properly taken care of legally. It is not mine. We of this earth own nothing. God owns everything and lends it to us. God trusts His children to MANAGE what He gives us.
What God has created He owns. Psalm 100:3 “He is God and it is He who made us and we are His”. Psalm 24:1-2 “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”. Psalm 89:11 “The heaven are Yours”.
If God created everything in the past He is certainly able to provide for us in the here and now. Romans 11:36 “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever”. In the end it will all go back to God. You and I take nothing with us when we leave this world but the question will be “What did you do with what I blessed you with?”
You and I own by KEEPING but God owns by GIVING. He loved us so He gave us air, water and all that is in the land. His love is proved profoundly in that He GAVE His Son. Do you love enough to GIVE your life to Him or do you only possess what He has blessed you with and someday it will be destroyed by moth and rust?
Are you looking to GET or GIVE?