Love and Obedience
3Dottie & I bought the flowers & this afternoon the girls made their bouquets for tomorrow.
These are the Sunday mornings where we will be in February & March. You can see where we are near to & call Debbie for the Sunday evenings and Wednesdays. Feb 14th in Lafayette, La at Family Life; Feb 21st at New Serepta in Serepta, La; Feb 28th Grace Community in Wetumpka, Al & March 6th at Lakeview Baptist in Fayetteville, Ark.

Maybe I am boring you but I suppose the most important subject in my life now at age 72 is the love of God. I cannot escape what His love is and what it means to us as His children. Love and obedience go together with loving pulling obedience and at times obedience pulling love (Agape).
John 14 “If you love me you will keep (obey) my commandments”. Deuteronomy 6 says, “You shall love God with all your heart, soul and might”. Love for God has never been an option. Neither was obeying, worshipping and serving Him!
My love for Jesus is displayed in my obedience to Him. So many Christians lack convictions about Christ. They will love if it makes them feel comfortable or does not cost them very much. Often we have allowed our love for Christ to be one of many options we have daily. “I will go to church as long as I get back before the ball game begins on TV”. “I will go if it does not interfere with my tee time or my child’s ball game, etc.
I know that in my life I have loved him selectively and not with ALL my heart, soul and might. The Apostles did the same as they ran from the cross. But later they felt and saw His presence and ran towards Him and stayed with Him until the ends of their lives.