Love as fellowship
Today the younger children, under 13, began a 3 day day-camp & the teenagers left for a 3 day camp near Chimaltenango. Pray that the Spirit of God will fall upon both groups and salvation and emotional hearings will be manifested.
Jony & Josemaria had a their second baby today.
Oscar flew to Florida today where is involved in a youth outreach for a week.

Fellowship happens when you have two fellows in one ship. When I visited Plymouth and saw the replica of the Mayflower I was shocked at the small size. It was crammed with over 100 people. That is amazing!
Year ago when I met Dottie her brothers and sisters were not very welcoming as they knew I was unsaved and they were worried about Dottie. Eventually I came to understand why. But for a few years she and I had major problems. We were distant and cool towards one another.
As the years passed I came to love her as a sister and when she was dying of cancer she asked if I would pray for her go home to Christ. She told me she loved me and was so proud of what God had done in my life and in the lives of the children.
She helped me to understand the meaning of Christian fellowship.As I prayed for her that night it was just she and I and when I finished our eyes met and we knew that it ws the last time we would see one another on this side of heaven. But God had given me a spiritual sister for whom I was grateful and one I loved.
In the few years that have passed I think of Martha often. I thank God that we were able to eventually get into the same ship. When she went to heaven she carried a part of me. As Christians we all should carry a small part of all of the other Christians God places into our lives.
Jesus felt so isolated in the Garden when the disciples slept and did not pray. Do not build walls! Climb aboard the “fellow” ship.