Love brings contentment
The wife of the mayor of Guatemala City is treating all of the children from the baby dorm and the Estrelitas girls to the Children’s Museum.
I have the transition plans in place. Pray that everyone will cooperate and get on board.
Tim will actually be walking with a cane so his recovery will not take as long. He & his family will go to the beach where he can walk in a pool as part of his therapy.
The Internet was off most of the day & we had many children who needed to be examined on Telemedicine. Sindy 1 in dialysis has been depressed for weeks because she wanted to see her mother who has never visited her. This week the mother was found & it appears that the courts will send Sindy’s siblings here on Friday. She is on cloud 9.
We gave an 8 year old in adoption yesterday and at 2am this morning the police brought a 9 year old boy. God giveth and taketh away and giveth again.

The children ask me about my little upstairs portion of our house where I have a large reading room filled with books, an average bedroom with a closet and a bathroom. They ask me why Dottie and I live with 7 teenage boys in the bedroom next to us and two teenage girls below us. In fact a couple of the older boys have seem to have made it their mission to find us a small home with no upstairs. They fear I will fall down the steps here.
MacArthur says “No matter your circumstances — even if you’re dealing with broken relationships, your health is failing, or you’re one of the fifteen million Americans looking for work — you can be content.”
The secret to true Agape love is to be content with what you have. My back hurts BUT that is all that hurts on this 72 year old body so I am blessed. The world today is totally unaware of what true love and contentment are. We live in a world where possessions define us.
Dottie and I had a 19 year old girl who was Jerry Lewis’s first poster child presented on his first TV telethon for muscular dystrophy. She was beautiful as a child. When her parents asked us to take her home with us she was not only 19 she was crippled and twisted. It took 2 or 3 to lift her into a bath tub. She could not do anything for herself.
One day I was was wet and cold and having to work out in that climate and when I came into the house and say next to her in front of a fireplace I was complaining and murmuring. She looked at me and said “Brother Mike the apostle Paul says that if we have food and clothing we should be content”. She died 4 months later.
But when I am complaining and dissatisfied I think of her. Her courage, her strength and her love for Jesus. It was that love that gave her the contentment she found in a body that was truly a prison.
My sister in law has a similar situation yet she manifests love and joy and generosity in ways I have rarely seen. She is content because of her love for Jesus. You can cry for what you want or you can live in contentment with what you have.
Personally I like my little house.