Offended Love
After a day of high excitement and pressure yesterday with all the activities today has been a day of calm.
I want to thank those of you who make everything so special for our children. Some sponsors were able to come & be with their sponsored child through this blessed time.
The judge did send us the 3 children who came to the gate yesterday.
Marjorie returned from the hospital & is doing well.

At this time of the year following graduations there are parents who convince some judges that they can car for their children so thusly the judge sends them back. Yesterday two children who have been truly more of grandchildren to Dottie and me were sent home. What hurt me the worst was that they chose to do so.
I was so offended and broken hearted. Do you know the Bible speaks of Loving God, Loving Christ, Loving your enemies, Loving your wife, Loving your neighbors and Loving one another. I could not find what I needed yesterday about loving a family member who breaks your heart. Oh, I know what I should do and what I should say and how I should act. But I have a problem!
Colossians says, “Most of all, let love guide your life”. I can preach on any of the loves I mentioned above and even this scripture and some would say ,”That guy knows how to love”. I would be fooling you but not myself and not God.
My love was shattered yesterday and honestly any time a child chooses to leave Casa I hurt inside. I suppose in the very core of my existence these children are what I live for. I want to laugh with them and cry with them. I want to see them succeed in life and school. I want to see them make correct godly decisions. I am certain that the reason I can keep going at my age with such a load is because of the love I feel for them. However it is a natural love.
I am so far away from loving them with Agape love. I am so far from UNCONDITIONAL LOVE or LOVE WITHOUT LIMITS. This is what I long for and this is what I ask you to pray for me.