Wedding Day
The wedding was moved inside because it was too cold for the dialysis girls to be bridesmaids out in the weather that was 52 degrees. Gladys & Dottie did a beautiful job.
Please add Summit Crossing Community Church, 6pm, in Madison, Alabama on Sunday night February 26th:
Tim & his family left tor a 3 week family vacation. Everything is lined up construction-wise for us to make the 12 transitions at the end of the year. We can certainly use carpenters, electricians & plumbers, etc. for a week or two during December. Pray that the Lord will send us the necessary people.

If you want to plant something for a short time then plant a flower. If you want to plant something for a life time then plant a tree. But if you want to plant something forever then plant the Word of God in the souls of others.
Agape love is what is planted into us Christians and it will last throughout eternity. Love is your home for eternity. Agape is eternal. His love will cover all of your sins and all of your past and all you will know is an eternity without measure where you are loved every moment of your existence. In other words, love is our habitation.
That is why David wrote that all He wanted was to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. He realized that Agape love was a habitation. He knew it was a pale of retreat. Agape love I cannot even begin to understand in my natural mind what it will be to habitat with God and NEVER experience stress, rejection, sadness, fear and doubt.
Agape love is really about PEACE. There will be no more junk in my life. You and I will dwell in safety.