What I Have I Need
Last night we received a family of four with the youngest 7 months old.
The heat rains did not dampen the teenager’s enthusiasm at camp this week.
Would you believe that today a business similar to Home Depot or Lowes opened in Guatemala?

Yesterday Sebastian handed me a stack of checks to sign. At this time of the year with double salaries for 120 employees as well as vacation pay for the teachers the total is huge. Every year at this time I remember 1989 and standing at the border between Guatemala frightened and wondering if I had really heard God.
It was then He spoke to me and said, “Mike, what you have you need and what you do not have you do not need”. I wrote those words in my Bible and have thought on them many times over the years.
Do you remember when the prophet in the middle of a famine went to the widow with one child and asked her to bring bowls, cups, pots or any other container and she was obedient to what seemed a ridiculous request? Her obedience was rewarded as God began to fill each receptacle with oil. She was able to sell the oil and they survived the famine.
Since 1989 God has sent me receptacles some young and some older; some happy and some sad; some abused and some abandoned; some loved and some unloved; some obedient and some not so obedient. He has filled each receptacle with His Word as we have tried to put the knowledge of God into every heart. Although some have been vessels with leaks many have held fast to the filling of their lives with a knowledge of God, Jesus Christ and the salvation afforded to them.
It seems that the more children we receive the more oil is poured out. Please keep them coming Lord!!