What manner of love.
Ezdras is another of our children who preached in the USA this past weekend. Josue’ is about to return to the states for 2 weeks and Oscar is there now. He is raising up the next generation.
Dottie & I took Rosario to get little suit and small dresses for the 8 dialysis children who will serve as groomsmen & bridegrooms for Rosario & Wilbur. I cannot remember a wedding here that excited me more.
The children prayed for Larry & Sue & both Dottie & I cried to tell them good-bye. Pastor David use to tell me I needed a friend my age here in Guatemala and he sent me Larry. They will be back!
Dr Hines & my hometown folks in Bunkie, La arrived today. There are 27 of them I believe.

The children sometimes ask me how Dottie and I have stayed together for so many years.It is rare to see a marriage of over 50 years in this generation in which we live. There are some simple answers that I give them and me being a “hunk” that Dottie cannot resist is not one of the answers.
Love endures! The true love of God refuses to quit. Many, many years ago Dottie was so depressed at the death of one of our children that she came close to just not only leaving me but leaving this world. The pain of a child’s death is incredible and even now, a half century later, we both remember those feelings.
Endurance stands face when trials come upon them. You refuse to quit or even take a step backward. You remain faithful even while you are suffering deeply. True love cares so much that it is impossible to be offend by the one you love. Why? In my case it is because I know that when Dottie and I have had battles she always was trying to lift me up and not tear me down. It hurts to be told you are wrong. But being told you are wrong by the one who love you can only strengthen your endurance and desire to keep going.
I have failed and fallen to various temptation and tests throughout my life and I suppose attacks will continue until the very end. But true love always trusts and protects the one it loves.