What you give is what you get
Marjorie is back in the hospital having trouble breathing. Keiser had his MRI on the tumor & we will learn something tomorrow.
Patty bought skirts for me to give to the older girls. Some older boys are selling scrap metal to provide a party for one of the dorms. Dottie is making all of the bows for the quinceaneras. I spent most of the day working on Christmas.
My secretary, Debbie, & Cindy arrived as have various people coming to see the graduation of their sponsor child.

One thing I try to teach the children is that is that it is not a matter of what they want to give or do in relationship to the parent that hurt them. Forgiveness is the key to your future. But forgiveness takes Agape love. When you have been abused or abandoned by a parent the devil wants you to withhold love and actually to give an eye for an eye.
But what I try to tell the children is “What sort of life do you desire in the future?”. Do you want to love your spouse and your children? Do you want to walk in a good marriage? Do you want a blessed and happy life? of course they all say they do.
Then guess what? When I choose to respond to someone who has harmed me by wanting harm them I have chosen a path that will destroy the future that I truly desire. The way I judge others will be the way I am judged. The way I respond to others is the way I will be responded to by others.
Sometimes we can be right and lose a relationship. It is best to be humble, forgive and give mercy because I can promise you that is what will come back to me in the future. Jesus tells us to give and it will be given unto us. He is not just referring to money. The way I give kindness, love, peace, respect and forgiveness is the way those things will come back to me.