2016 is around the corner
Last night we had Sunday services and I taught for the first time in 27 years a combined class of all the boys and all the girls on the subject of sexuality, immorality and purity. I have taught the subject to just the guys or just the girls. It was the strongest message that I have ever delivered. We live in a world of perversion, broken marriages and millions of abortions. Disaster is at our children’s door!
Our first child, Michelle, was born 51 years ago today. She passed away a year later. The pain of her death never has left us but the knowledge we will reunite with her in eternity is what the birth of Jesus and our salvation insures.
On our way home from the hotel we began purchasing school uniforms as the new school year is a month away.

One of my heroes was Mother Teresa who said “When you can see the face of Jesus in the leper’s face then you can love them”. She made her life count. Our doctrines may not be the same but her desire to minister to the down and out is something all Christians should do. Our lives need meaning.
Have you ever seen a mouse in a maze? It just scurries around and goes no where but up and down a closed in trail that never allows it to exit. This is the picture of most of the world today.
“Meaningless!” This is what Solomon said. He knew that this world is meaningless if we are not doing the will of God. In the ancient world people were tight that the mythological gods punished mankind by making them roll a heavy boulder up a mountain only to have it roll down again. It was a meaningless exercise but it demonstrated the point that most of what people do in this world is meaningless. Monotonous!
So many Christians live lives as though they were on an assembly line. They just do the same thing each day over and over. Get out of your comfort zone. Take a step into the unknown in 2016. Become a person of significance in 2016. The hole in uiur heart can only be filled with Him and His calling on your life.